Welcome to the AgriGuide website

AgriGuide is a tool for sustainable agriculture to efficiently manage natural resources and increase income. It provides information on food and cash crops management for small-holder farmers, herders, and fishermen in Senegal and Mali.




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The AgriGuide is one of the concrete outcomes of the E-TIC program, an initiative focusing on the use of technology and information in a development context. E-TIC was initiated and is coordinated by ICVolunteers (ICV), an international non-profit organization specialized in the field of communications.

About E-TIC

The "E-TIC Sahel InfoHubs" project aims to provide tools and training components so that small farmers, herders and fishermen be better able to sell their products. Through the creation of this portal and a series of training courses for field connectors (youth, women, community radio journalists), the E-TIC program aims to provide knowledge relevant for efficient and effective farm management. More...

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AgriGuide Partners

Fonds francophone des Inforoutes, CRESP, EREV, Service Civique National du Sénégal, ICV-Mali, CNJ-MALI, CONJEDEV, ORTM, Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports du Mali, Commune de Guédé-Chantier, Communauté Oulad Nagim More...

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